Jo Davis MRTPI
Principal and UK Executive Chair
Town Planning
Public Sector
Expert Witness
- T +44 (0)117 988 5224
- Direct Line +44 (0)117 988 5224
- Mobil +44 (0)7771974381
- E-mail [email protected]
- Bristol
- St Catherine's Court
- Berkeley Place
Bristol, BS8 1BQ UK
Jo has over 25 years’ experience in the business and sits on the UK senior leadership team, is Chair of the UK Executive, and leader the UK Place Business Group.
In April 2024 Jo took on the Chair role of Real Estate Balance, a membership organisation working to improve equity, diversity and inclusion in the real estate industry. Our members are united by a vision of a real estate industry that’s fairer, better-balanced and more equitable for everyone.
Professionally, Jo is an influencer of national and regional planning policy. She advises a wide range of public and private sector Clients on the planning potential of their land and property interests, and is experienced in developing the strategies required to deliver valuable planning permissions and development plan allocations.